1240 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, 1998-2001
1239 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1999-2001
1238 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Santa Ana Basin, California, 1999-2001
1236 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, 1998-2001
1235 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Northern Rockies Intermontane
1234 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Yellowstone River Basin, Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota, 1999-2001
1233 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Lower Tennessee River Basin, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, and Georgia, 1999-2001
1232 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Acadian-Pontchartrain Drainag
1231 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Mobile River Basin, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee, 1999-2001
1230 (01/06/2004)
: Water Quality in the Upper Illinois River Basin, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, 1999-2001
1229 (01/06/2004)
: Water quality in the Great and Little Miami River Basins, Ohio and Indiana, 1999-2001
1228 (01/06/2004)
: Water quality in the Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, 1999-2001
1272 (01/01/2004)
: Coal quality: global priorities, International Conference
1268 (01/01/2004)
: Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000
1265 (01/01/2004)
: Water Quality in the Nation's Streams and Aquifers Overview of Selected Findings, 1991-2001
1264 (01/01/2004)
: Geology of the National Capital Region: field trip guidebook
1259 (01/01/2004)
: Shifting shoals and shattered rocks
1254 (01/01/2004)
: The World's Largest Floods, Past and Present
1226 (01/01/2004)
: Water quality in the New England coastal basins, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, 1999-2001
1243 (01/12/2003)
: Water in Storage and Approaches to Ground-Water Management, High Plains Aquifer, 2000
1242 (01/12/2003)
: The plan to Coordinate NEHRP Post-Earthquake Investigations
1260 (01/01/2003)
: Heat as a tool for studying the movement of ground water near streams
1250 (01/01/2003)
: Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Workshop on Turbidity and other Sediment Surrogates, April 30-May 2, 2002, Reno, Nevada
1249 (01/01/2003)
: Geothermal Energy - Clean Power from the Earth's Heat
1248 (01/01/2003)
: Geologic studies of Mercury by the U.S. Geological Survey
1247 (01/01/2003)
: Evolving issues and practices in managing ground-water resources case studies on the role of science
1246 (01/01/2003)
: Lewis and Clark's observations and measurements of geomorphology and hydrology, and changes with time
1245 (01/01/2003)
: Large Floods in the United States: where they happen and why
1244 (01/01/2003)
: National landslide hazards mitigation strategy a framework for loss reduction
1143 (01/01/2003)
: Coal - a complex natural ressource
1221 (01/02/2002)
: Materials in the Economy
1224 (01/01/2002)
: Assessing Ground-Water Vulnerability to Contaminat
1223 (01/01/2002)
: Concepts for National Assessment of Water Availability and Use
1222 (01/01/2002)
: Ground-water ressources of the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico
1220 (01/01/2002)
: The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay
1219 (01/01/2002)
: Planning for the Conservation and Development of Insfrastructure Ressources in Urban Areas
1218 (01/01/2001)
: Sobreviviendo a un tsunami : lecciones de Chile, Hawai y Japon
1217 (01/01/2001)
: Ground-Water-Level Monitoring and the Importance of Long-Term-Water-Level Data
1198 (01/01/2001)
: Beyond the Golden Gate - Oceanography, Geology, Biology, and Environmental Issues in the Gulf of the Farallones
1208 (01/01/2000)
: Water Quality in the Mississipi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky 1995-98
1199 (01/01/2000)
: Coastal and Marine Geology Research
1178 (01/01/2000)
: 1998 Assessment of Undiscovered Deposits of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the United States
968 (01/01/1987)
: Development of Sinkholes Resulting From Man's Activities in the Eastern United States
466 (01/01/1962)
: Notes on earth fissures in southern Arizona
224 (01/01/1953)
: Volcanic debris in uraniferous sandstones, and its possible bearing on the origin and precipitation of uranium
U.S. Geological Survey circular (1949-)
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