1650 G (01/01/2015)
: Atlas of relations between climatic parameters and distributions of important trees and shrubs in North America
1792 (01/01/2012)
: Geomorphic response of the Sandy River, Oregon, to removal of Marmot Dam
1791 (01/01/2012)
: The Novarupta-Katmai eruption of 1912 - largest eruption of the twentieth century; centennial perspectives
1788 (01/01/2012)
: History of surface displacements at the Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, from leveling surveys and InSAR observations
1787 (01/01/2011)
: Baseline and projected future carbon storage and greenhouse-gas fluxes in the Great Plains region of the United States
1786 (01/01/2011)
: Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the upper Pleistocene Chemehuevi Formation along the lower Colorado River
1785 (01/01/2011)
: Groundwater availability of the Mississippi embayment
1783 (01/01/2011)
: Cenozoic tectonic reorganizations of the Death Valley region, southeast California and southwest Nevada
1770 (01/01/2011)
: Groundwater Availability of the Denver Basin Valley Aquifer System, Colorado
1780 (01/01/2010)
: Mercury in Indiana watersheds: retrospective for 2001-2006
1779 (01/01/2010)
: Analogues to features and processes of a high-level radioactive waste repository proposed for Yucca Mountain, Nevada
1778 (01/01/2010)
: Water Availability and Use Pilot-A multiscale assessment in the U.S. Great Lakes Basin
1777 (01/01/2010)
: After a century-Revised Paleogene coal stratigraphy, correlation, and deposition, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana
1775 (01/01/2010)
: Flooding in the United States Midwest, 2008
1773 (01/01/2010)
: Groundwater availability in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina
1772 (01/01/2010)
: Groundwater-quality data and regional trends in the Virginia Coastal Plain, 1906-2007
1769 (01/01/2010)
: The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
1763 (01/01/2010)
: Geology, geochemistry, and genesis of the Greens Creek massive sulfide deposit, Admiralty Island, southeastern Alaska
1711 (01/01/2010)
: Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California
1386-F-J-K (1988-2010)
: Satellite image atlas of glaciers of the world
1774 (01/01/2009)
: Field evaluation of the error arising from inadequate time averaging in the standard use of depth-integrating suspended-sediment samplers
1768 (01/01/2009)
: A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States
1767 (01/01/2009)
: Brine Migration from a Flooded Salt Mine in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York
1766 (01/01/2009)
: Groundwater Availability of the Central Valley Aquifer, California
1764 (01/01/2009)
: Mid-Permian Phosphoria Sea in Nevada and the Upwelling Model
1762 (01/01/2009)
: Volcanic Processes and Geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
1727 (01/01/2009)
: Late Cenozoic geology and lacustrine history of Searles Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
1625-F (01/01/2009)
: The National Coal Ressource Assessment Overview
1755 (01/01/2008)
: Terrestrial Cosmogenic-Nuclide Dating of Alluvial Fans in Death Valley, California
1750 (01/01/2008)
: A Volcano Rekindled : The Renewed Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006
1746 (01/01/2008)
: Geographic Names of Iceland's Glaciers : Historic and Modern
1730 (01/01/2008)
: The Gogebic Iron Range - A Sample of the Northern Margin of the Penokean Fold and Thrust Belt
1691 (01/01/2008)
: Geology of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park and Potomac Rive Corridor
1744 (01/01/2007)
: Quaternary Magmatism in the Cascades - Geologic Perspectives
1740 (01/01/2007)
: Age, Stratigraphy, and Correlations of the Late Neogene Purisima Formation, Central California Coast Ranges
1721 (01/01/2007)
: Analysis of Improved Government Geological Map Information for Mineral Exploration: Incorporating Efficiency, Productivity, Effectiveness, and Risk Considerations
1717 (01/01/2007)
: Integrated Geoscience Studies in the Greater Yellowstone Area
1703 (01/01/2007)
: Ground-Water Recharge in the Arid and Semiarid Southwestern United States
1661-E (01/01/2007)
: Seismic stability of the Duwamish River Delta, Seattle, Washington
1656-C (01/01/2007)
: Exchanges of Water between the Upper Floridan Aquifer and the Lower Suwannee and Lower Santa Fe Rivers, Florida
1651 (01/01/2007)
: Integrated Investigations of Environmental Effects of Historical Mining in the Animas River Watershed, San Juan County, Colorado
1650-E (01/01/2007)
: Atlas of Relations Between Climatic Parameters and Distributions of Important Trees and Shrubs in North America
1733 (01/01/2006)
: The Ajo Mining District, Pima County, Arizona--Evidence for Middle Cenozoic Detachment Faulting, Plutonism, Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Alteration
1731 (01/01/2006)
: Virginia Coastal Plain Hydrogeologic Framework
1729 (01/01/2006)
: Questa Baseline and Premining Ground-Water Quality Investigation 18
1726 (01/01/2006)
: Rates, trends, causes, and consequences of urban land-use change in the United States
1725 (01/01/2006)
: Statistical characteristics of storm interevent time, depth, and duration for eastern New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
1723 (01/01/2006)
: Interaction of Dams and Landslides--Case Studies and Mitigation
1722 (01/01/2006)
: Nutrient concentrations and their relations to the biotic integrity of wadeable streams in Wisconsin
1720 (01/01/2006)
: The Cerrillos Uplift, the La Bajada Constriction, and Hydrogeologic Framework of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
1719 (01/01/2006)
: Regional Survey of Structural Properties and Cementation Patterns of Fault Zones in the Northern Part of the Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico - Implications for Ground-Water Flow
1715 (01/01/2006)
: Petrology of the Crazy Mountains dike swarm and geochronology of associated sills, south-central Montana
1712 (01/01/2006)
: Trends in streamflow of the San Pedro River, southeastern Arizona, and regional trends in precipitation and streamflow in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico
1703-1 (01/01/2006)
: Thermal Methods for Investigating Ground-Water Recharge
1656-B (01/01/2006)
: Flow and transport in the Suwannee River estuary, Florida, 1999-2000
1716 (01/01/2005)
: Geochemical landscapes of Alaska - new map presentations and interpretations for 23 elements in surficial materials
1710 (01/01/2005)
: San Francisquito Creek - the problem of science in environmental disputes
1707 (01/01/2005)
: The orphan tsunami of 1700
1706 (01/01/2005)
: Geologic studies of the Platte River, south-central Nebraska and adjacent areas
1705 (01/01/2005)
: Stratigraphy, lithology, and sedimentary features of Quaternary alluvial deposits of the South Platte River and some of its tributaries east of the Front Range, Colorado
1704 (01/01/2005)
: Channel and hillslope processes revisited in the Arroyo de los Frijoles watershed near Santa Fe, New Mexico
1702 (01/01/2005)
: Classification of hydrogeologic areas and hydrogeologic flow systems in the basin and range physiographic province, southwestern United States
1701 (01/01/2005)
: Tephra layers of blind Spring Valley and related upper pliocene and pleistocene tephra layers, California, Nevada, and Utah
1700 (01/01/2005)
: Stratigraphic studies in southwestern Montana and adjacent Idaho
1698 (01/01/2005)
: Energy resource studies, northern Front Range, Colorado
1697 (01/01/2005)
: Metallogenesis and tectonics of the Russian Far East, Alaska, and the Canadian Cordillera
1696 (01/01/2005)
: 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar geochronology and tectonic significance of the Upper Cretaceous Adel Mountain volcanics and spatially associated Tertiary igneous rocks, northwestern Montana
1688 (01/01/2005)
: Studies of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure : the USGS-NASA Langley corehole, Hampton, Virginia, and related coreholes and geophysical surveys
1680 (01/01/2005)
: A Surficial Hydrogeologic Framework for the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
1666 (01/01/2005)
: Geology of the Payette National Forest and vicinity, west-central Idaho
1661-B (01/01/2005)
: Local tsunami hazards in the Pacific Northwest from Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes
1661-C (01/01/2005)
: Crustal structure and earthquake hazards of the subduction zone in southwestern British Columbia and western Washington
1661-D (01/01/2005)
: Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington
1679 (01/09/2004)
: A theory for modeling ground-water flow in heterogeneous media
1699 (01/01/2004)
: The geologic story of Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, Colorado
1695 (01/01/2004)
: The effects of urbanization on the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of coastal New England streams
1693 (01/01/2004)
: Formation, evolution, and stability of coastal cliffs
1692 (01/01/2004)
: Eruptive History and Chemical Evolution of the Precaldera and Postcaldera Basalt-Dacite Sequences, Long Valley, California
1690 (01/01/2004)
: Mid-Tertiary Isopach and Lithofacies Maps for the Los Angeles Region, California
1689 (01/01/2004)
: Quaternary paleoseismology and stratigraphy of the Yucca Mountain area, Nevada
1687 (01/01/2004)
: Marine geology and earthquake hazards of the San Pedro Shelf region, southern California
1685 (01/01/2004)
: Selected geochemical and biogeochemical studies of the Fortymile River watershed, Alaska
1684 (01/01/2004)
: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Middle Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the Central Chiricahua Mountains, Southeast Arizona
1682 (01/01/2004)
: Role of limnological processes in fate and transport of nitrogen and phosphorous loads delivered into Coeur d'Alene Lake and Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, and Flathead Lake, Montana
1652 (01/01/2004)
: Integrated investigations of environmental effects of historical mining in the Basin and Boulder Mining Districts, Boulder River watershed, Jefferson County, Montana
1683 (01/01/2003)
: The Role of Geoscience Information in Reducing Catastrophic Loss Using a Web-Based Economics Experiment
1681 (01/01/2003)
: Toxic substances in surface waters and sediments
1678 (01/01/2003)
: Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2001
1677 (01/01/2003)
: Computation and analysis of the instantaneous-discharge for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona
1676 (01/01/2003)
: The Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
1675 (01/01/2003)
: Hydrological, chemical, and biological characteristics of a prairie pothole wetland complex under highly variable climate conditions
1672 (01/01/2003)
: Surface-water hydrology of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in South-Central Louisiana
1668-A-B (01/01/2003)
: Correlation, sedimentology, structural setting, chemical composition, and provenance of selected formations in Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group, central Idaho
1655 (01/01/2003)
: Irrigation-induced contamination of water, sediment, and biota in the western United States-synthesis of data from the National Irrigation Water Quality Program
1637 (01/01/2003)
: Vanadium deposits in the Lower Permian Phosphoria Formation, Afton area, Lincoln County, western Wyoming
1411-A (01/01/2003)
: Geology of Paleozoic in the Upper Colorado River Basin in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, Excluding the San Juan Basin
1411-B (01/01/2003)
: Hydrologic properties and ground-water flow systems of the Paleozoic rocks in the upper Colorado River basin
1590 (01/09/2002)
: Habitat and environment of islands
1550-E (01/08/2002)
: The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989
1530-B-C (01/06/2002)
: Cyclic Injection, Storage, And Withdrawal Of Heated Water In A Sandstone Aquifer At St. Paul, Minnesota
1422-A (01/03/2002)
: Summary of the hydrogeology of the valley and ridge, Blue Ridge, and Piedmont physiographic provinces in the eastern United States
1419 (01/02/2002)
: Geology and hydrogeology of the Caribbean islands aquifer system of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
1670 (01/01/2002)
: Trace-element deposition in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela Shelf, under sulfate-reducing conditions
1669 (01/01/2002)
: Age and tectonic significance of volcanic rocks in the northern Los Angeles Basin, California
1667 (01/01/2002)
: Influence of rock composition on the geochemistry of stream and spring waters from mountainous watersheds in the Gunnison, Uncompahgre, and Grand Mesa National Forests, Colorado
1663 (01/01/2002)
: Subsurface and petroleum geology of the southwestern Santa Clara Valley ("Silicon Valley"), California
1662 (01/01/2002)
: Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2000
1661-A (01/01/2002)
: Crustal deformation at the leading edge of the Oregon Coast Range block, offshore Washington (Columbia River to Hoh River)
1660 (01/01/2002)
: Factors related to well yield in the fractured-bedrock aquifer of New Hampshire
1659 (01/01/2002)
: Structural geology of western part of Lemhi Range, east-central Idaho
1658 (01/01/2002)
: Crustal structure of the coastal and marine San Francisco Bay region, California
1657 (01/01/2002)
: Composition, age, and petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous intrusive rocks in the central Big Belt Mountains, Broadwater and Meagher counties, Montana
1656-A (01/01/2002)
: Hydrology, vegetation, and soils of riverine and tidal floodplain forests of the lower Suwannee River, Florida, and potential impacts of flow reductions
1654 (01/01/2002)
: Mineral and energy resource assessment of the Gallatin National Forest (exclusive of the Abasaroka-Beartooth study area), in Gallatin, Madison, Meagher, Park, and Sweet Grass counties, south-central Montana
1644 (01/01/2002)
: Geologic investigations in the Lake Valley area, Sierra County, New Mexico
1635 (01/01/2002)
: The Effect of Selected Cleaning Techniques on Berkshire Lee Marble
1634 (01/01/2002)
: Lake Pontchartrain Basin
1631 (01/01/2002)
: Geology of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
1627 (01/01/2002)
: Techniques for assessing sand and gravel resources in glaciofluvial deposits
1416-E-F (01/01/2002)
: Regional aquifer-system analysis -- Gulf Coastal Plain
1649 (01/01/2001)
: Mountain Meadows Dacite
1648 (01/01/2001)
: Geochemical landscapes of the conterminous United States; new map presentations for 22 elements
1647 (01/01/2001)
: Comparative water-quality assessment of the Hai He River basin in the People's Republic of China and three similar basins in the United States
1645 (01/01/2001)
: An interdisciplinary assessment of regional-scale nonpoint source ground-water vulnerability; theory and application
1643 (01/01/2001)
: Active tectonics of the Devils Mountain Fault and related structures, northern Puget Lowland and eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca region, Pacific Northwest
1640-A (01/01/2001)
: Mineral deposit density; an update
1630 (01/01/2001)
: Catastrophic debris flows transformed from landslides in volcanic terrains
1625-C (01/01/2001)
: 2000 resource assessment of selected coal beds and zones in the Northern and Central Appalachian Basin coal regions
1620 (01/01/2001)
: Origin, Extent, and Thickness of Quaternary Geologic Units in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
1606 (01/01/2001)
: Debris flows from failures of Neoglacial-age moraine dams in the Three Sisters and Mount Jefferson wilderness areas, Oregon
1415-C (01/01/2001)
: Regional hydrology and simulation of flow of stratified-drift aquifers in the glaciated northeastern United States
1632 (01/01/2000)
: Multiproxy record of the last interglacial (MIS 5e) off central and northern California, U.S.A., from Ocean Drilling Program sites 1018 and 1020
1625-B (01/01/2000)
: Geologic Assessment of Coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah
1623 (01/01/2000)
: Catalog of Hawaiian Earthquakes, 1823-1959
1621 (01/01/2000)
: First-principles calibration of 38Ar tracers
1616 (01/01/2000)
: A geologic guide to Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska; a tectonic collage of northbound terranes
560-A (01/01/1989)
: Geology of the Arabian Peninsula; shield area of western Saudi Arabia
1394-A-G (01/01/1986)
: Devonian rocks and Lower and Middle Devonian pelecypods of Guangxi, China, and the Traverse Group of Michigan
1204 (01/01/1981)
: Landslides from the February 4, 1976, Guatemala earthquake
1078 (01/01/1979)
: Tectonics of the Indonesian region
917 (01/01/1975)
: A numerical model of material transport in salt-wedge estuaries
716-C (01/01/1975)
: Geology of the southern Himalaya in Hazara, Pakistan, and adjacent areas
716-F (01/01/1975)
: Geology of the Parachinar Quadrangle, Pakistana
560-I (01/01/1975)
: Geology of the Arabian Peninsula, Jordan
716-D (01/01/1974)
: Stratigraphy of the Kohat Quadrangle, Pakistan
716-E (01/01/1973)
: Distribution, thickness, and lithology of Paleocene rocks in Pakistan
716-B (01/01/1973)
: Stratigraphy of the Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan areas, Pakistan
716-A (01/01/1972)
: Geology and copper mineralization of the Saindak Quadrangle, Chagai District, West Pakistan
544-C (01/01/1967)
: The Alaska Earthquake, March 27, 1964
517 (1966)
: Artesian Water in Tertiery Limestone in the Southeastern States
500-C (01/01/1966)
: Probability Concepts in Geomorphology
U.S. Geological Survey professional paper (1984-)
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